Of some sort of the same age decile. Of some sort of the same ethnicity. Of the same geographic part of the world. Of the same size and shape. Of the same calibre of personality.
So what does it mean to have someone that doesn't look like you are a couple. Does it mean you aren't fit for each other? Does it mean that you weren't meant for each other.
“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”
What exactly makes each individual person different from the next person. Can we really make clear what their exact difference, other than the physical forms they compose in?
I mean can a black man seriously have a true relationship with a white women? Or vica Versa (No racism intended ). Can a fat man and a skinny women seriously have a true relationship with each other? Can Asians and whites, black, Italians, Spanish, American, Chinese, Malysian, Singaporean, Korean all intergrate and truly form separate relationships?
I guess that depends on your personality not your physical appearance right? WRONG
Our society revolves around how people look and not how people feel or how people are on the inside this is the defining factor of a society.
If we continue to judge people by their appearance our socitey will fail as a whole. I mean what caused stereotyping? Because people thought that everyone of the same colour or race was the same. Some stupid person decided to think "hey if this person is white, then they are instantly bogan", or "if this person is black then he's a rapper". Stupid remarks like this make me embarrassed to be in a socitey where social reputation dominates everything. Where the wealth of a person enables them to do anything. Where the appearance means all. Where no one thinks about the inside. Where no one inside has thought about the outside.